Sunday, March 22, 2009

In Control?? THINK AGAIN..

When u think u in control...Think again.. That what happened to me and most of us..

In the UNSTABLE ECONOMIC time like this, we tried to control everything...I mean everything...

How to spend your money...where u eat...what u much u pay for toll..and a lot more thing that we been ignored for a long time.

I missed the creadit card payment this month, and got a lot of phone call from bank asking WHEN, i wanna make the payment. That was really...ANNOYING!! But then, i'm the one who missed the pay..

Moral of the story: Pay ur bill!! and dont be late..

Friday, March 6, 2009

Letih & Kecewa..

Jumaat, 06/03/09..

Bila kita suruh buat sesuatu dan org itu pula buat lain dr apa yg kita harapkan kita akan KECEWA.. itulah yg jadi pd aku hr ni…

Oleh sebab JSB guna kereta aku sekarang, aku suruh dia cari Buku Klinik yg biasanya aku letak dlm kereta masa aku guna dulu..bila dia tanya nak g klinik kul berapa? Aku cakap tgu dia balik dr keje…(biasanya dia balik kul 4 ptg), tapi kul 12 dia cakap nak jemput aku bwk g klinik.

Bila dia sampai, buku yg aku suruh cr tu dia kata xde…sebab dia BARU cari bila dah sampai dekat rumah aku.. BENGANG GILA…

Aku bukan x appreciate dia keluar dr opis (dia br pindah opis , busy katanya) utk hantar aku pergi Klinik..tapi dia x buat apa yg aku minta…(Kalau buku tu ada, x kena byr sebab Perodua yg tanggung)...

Aku x berapa nak sihat, sakit kepala dr malam sampai la pg tadi...Aku mintak maaf kalau ada org terasa dgn aku hr ni..

KONONnya nak rehat (x pegi opis hr ni) tapi ramai pulak org call pg2 ni…call dr kwn lama, JSB kejut bgn pg, membe opis, officer bank, yg paling x boleh tahan call dari 'fitnest first' yg nak suruh org jadi membership. Huh!! Kenapa la hr ni??

Time aku sihat xde la pulak dapat call bebanyak pagi-pagi…