When u think u in control...Think again.. That what happened to me and most of us..
In the UNSTABLE ECONOMIC time like this, we tried to control everything...I mean everything...
How to spend your money...where u eat...what u droved...how much u pay for toll..and a lot more thing that we been ignored for a long time.
I missed the creadit card payment this month, and got a lot of phone call from bank asking WHEN, i wanna make the payment. That was really...ANNOYING!! But then, i'm the one who missed the pay..
Moral of the story: Pay ur bill!! and dont be late..
di dalam kehidupan memang ada pasang surutnya. adat dunia. baik keja sendiri ataupun makan makan gaji. namun usaha yang ikhlas dan jujur mesti ada penyelesaian nanti. Kuatkan semangat demi diri kau. kalau ada peluang untuk kau, aku akan beritahu aku. Bye my friend...
ReplyDeleteTQ bro..kalau ada peluang jangan lupa aku he..he..